Oath Keepers Are the Nazi Brownshirts Without the Grievances

Andrew Jaye
5 min readJun 1, 2023

The Oath Keepers and Proud Boys are whiny wannabes compared to the Sturmabteilung. However, their message of male bonding and violence is the same the SA used to ensnare young Germans into political violence and terror.

Join the SA and engage in sweaty team building exercises. (Stormtrooper: A New History of Hitler’s Brownshirts)

Like the Oath Keepers, the Nazi’s Sturmabteilung — literally
“storm army”, SA for short, and also known as brownshirts — were hired goons that…



Andrew Jaye

Former privacy and data security blogger. Part-time workplace sociologist. Opinions are for better or worse his own. More about me at metaphorly.com.